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The Vampires: The Poisoner Download Movie Free

7cb1d79195 Satanas, having committed suicide in prison, Venenos becomes the head of the Vampires. He learns that Philip is engaged to be married and orders Irma Vep to take an apartment in the same building and watch the girl. Irma learns that the betrothal dinner is soon to be celebrated. Venenos is advised and tells the caterer that the dinner has been postponed one day. The Vampires impersonate the caterer and his assistants. They poison the wine, and the janitor, who has been given some, drinks it and dies. His wife rushes into the banquet just in time to save the guests, who are about to drink to Philip and the girl. The Vampires switch off the lights and escape. Philip writes in code to his fiancée and tells her to go with her mother to a villa at Chailly. Irma Vep, accompanied by her maid, lies in wait for the limousine. It arrives with a wardrobe trunk strapped upright on the running board. Irma is at work spraying the interior of the automobile with a powerful anesthetic when Normandin steps out of the trunk. The women overpower him and Irma hides in the trunk. On arrival at Chailly, Irma telephones to Venenos, and is afterward captured by Philip Guard, who is soon joined by Normandin, who has escaped from the Vampires. Venenos rescues Irma and the pair escape in an automobile and escapes as the men continue after Venenos, who jumps from a bridge to a moving train and elude Philip and Normandin. After Satanas committed suicide and Venomous became the new Grand Master of Les Vampires, he and Irma plot to kill Phillipe and his friend once and for all. Irma leases a flat above Phillipe's fiancée's at 115 rue d'Artois, and plot to kill her and Phillipe at their engagement party on 11 February, with poisoned wine. But their butler drink sit instead, and promptly drops dead from it. The rest of the guests are stopped from drinking any of it, and Les Vampires quickly escape into the night. Later Irma tries again to kill them, by filling their motor-carriage with gas, only to be spotted. More chases to each other's hotels leads nowhere, as this entire chapter seems merely an excuse just to get to the next, and final, chapter. Good climactic chase aboard the rooftop of a train, but it is a long wait to get there.

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